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For The Girl

Apr 23, 2019

Today we’re talking all about The Rescuer! To put it simply, the Rescuer is the girl who chooses relationships that make her feel needed. She tends to fall for the bad boy every. single. time. She sees the potential in almost ANYONE but is especially drawn to guys with good looks, attractive personalities, and a little damaged on the inside. With her help, she can give any bad boy a heart of gold!

In today’s episode, you’ll meet one of our favorite Rescuers - Maddie Boerste. We talk with Maddie about what it's like to be the Rescuer, navigating the world of dating, and focusing your heart on a future love story with God! Whether you’re the Rescuer or not, this episode will speak so much truth to you as you pursue your future love story.

To learn more about discovering your dating personality visit

To learn more about starting a Delight chapter on your campus visit

You can follow along with all the girly and encouraging fun on Instagram at @delightministries.