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For The Girl

Jan 25, 2021

This is such a REAL thing for sooooo many women, it can be all consuming. It can be easy to just live life "putting up with it" BUT what if we make some changes, and combat the lies of the enemy in this area of life!!! This episode is really for EVERY girl, so tune in for some tangible ways to begin loving what you see...

Jan 19, 2021

This week, we are encouraging the girl that really thought she would be in a relationship or married by now. I mean....pretty relatable right!? So many of us wish we were married and pictured this for ourselves! As you get older it feels harder to believe and harder in general. Tune in to get some tips and Truth for...

Jan 12, 2021

We are bringing back the original For The Girl Series, but this time with some realllllly relatable topics!! This first episode is really for the girl needs some clarity and direction for what is next!! Discerning His voice can be hard, right? If you are trying to discern what is next for your career, in a relationship,...